KDYS Family Contact Centre

The family contact centre aims to provide community access, and family time service,  with qualified staff to supervise access in a nurturing and safe environment, focusing on developing and maintaining quality relationships between the child and their parents.

The project was developed in response to the lack of nurturing spaces available within the community for separated parents/family members. The main objective of the centre is for children affected by separation/divorce to have a safe and nurturing environment allowing for meaningful access with members of their biological family, reducing any further impact on the family and their wellbeing. Also, for parents to feel safe and supported during the access, reducing any further distress in their lives which allows them to increase their parental capacity leading to better relationships with their children.

This safe supported approach nurtures the quality of the relationship between the child and parent and provides a safe space,  leading to better outcomes for children’s mental health.

Official Family Contact Centre Leaflet

For more information please contact:

Debra Fealy


087 121 8409